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CertiScan®: Adherence Matters

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Vertical Integration

Vertical Integration

IMC does not outsource any aspect of design or development. We build all of our hardware, software, and services completely in-house. Furthermore, our product offerings are feature-complete, allowing IMC to act as your single-vendor adherence platform. This level of vertical integration lets us achieve unprecedented efficiency and pass that value along to you - while meeting even the most aggressive timelines.
vertical integration hero


Price and Lead Time
A project that uses Med-ic®, eCap™, and CertiScan® can be deployed up much more rapidly and at far lower cost than multi-vendor or bespoke hardware/software solutions.
User Experience
Every CertiScan® user interface has been thoughtfully designed to work optimally with Med-ic® and eCap™. Simple workflows make smart packaging - which can be new and unfamiliar - feel intuitive.
Feature Richness
vertical integration feature richess
IMC products offer adherence tracking, temperature logging, patient reminders, analytics, secure cloud storage, and 3rd party developer tools (among many other features). No need to hunt and combine features from multiple vendors.
Reduced Risk
Multi-vendor or bespoke solutions bring uncertainty and risk. We have spent 20 years refining an end-to-end solution, and mitigating risks that would not be apparent to niche vendors. This ensures hardware and software that work perfectly under all conditions.

How We Do It

Validated software, and de-risked hardware: Our process minimizes the need for custom development efforts. CertiScan® software is a validated, off-the-shelf system. eCap™ is also an off-the-shelf, ready-to-ship commodity. And although our Med-ic® smart blister packages are custom-designed per protocol, we make extensive use of reusable components and tooling, and development patterns to ensure that the product will be designed quickly and designed to our high quality standards.
In house hardware management: Our engineering teams work closely with sponsors and CROs to ensure that any custom smart packaging designs that are not just suitable for the protocol, but also suitable for filling and sealing within your CDMO’s GMP-rated facilities. We trigorously test and validate our smart packaging hardware, to ensure it will work flawlessly as a unit in the supply chain and as a source of data for our adherence software. We stand by our long track record of many such successful validations.
Insourced manufacturing and tightly managed supply chain: We own a dedicated manufacturing facility for producing smart packaging and capable of shipping worldwide. Additionally, we maintain significant inventory of smart packaging hardware components for short notice projects, and we have cultivated decades-long relationships with vendors and suppliers to manage our inventory effectively and reduce risk to the end customer.
Hands-on customer success team: During study set up, our team will prepopulate the cloud with as much of your information as possible, making the user experience seamless. Such proactive support means that your staff will not worry about setting up patients nor provisioning smart packaging. Instead they can focus on what matters most—working with patients and helping them adhere to their treatment plans and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Learn More about the Products
that Power our Solutions

The original smart blister package. Breaking a blister records the time and location (i.e. “8:00 a.m.” and “Day 1, Morning”). Med-ic® can be customized to work with any blister design and dose pattern.
The superior smart cap. Unscrewing and removing the eCap™ records the opening time. Several diameter and threading options are available to fit all common bottle types.
Consumer-quality software for clinical trials. Securely store, analyze, and action the data from smart packaging and other adherence devices. The CertiScan® Adherence Platform includes web portals, mobile apps, developer tools, and a secure, central cloud.
Use Cases

Accurate data for transformative solutions.

Smart packaging is the ideal data source: it is accurate, automatic, and passive. There is no extra effort on the participant’s part since they were going to take a dose anyways (or not - which smart packaging can also detect!)
This data feeds into the CertiScan® Adherence Platform and other software systems to power numerous solutions.

Inappropriate medication use is widespread in clinical research. This can harm individual participant outcomes, jeopardize trial outcomes, and cause hidden errors that are only discovered post market or after publishing (such as a poorly titrated dosage or undiscovered side effect).

Our solutions make it easy to detect and treat these harmful issues. Many protective features are automatic, such as mobile reminders, misuse alerts, targeted coaching.
Detect and Treat:
  • Medication non-adherence
  • Medication misuse or abuse
  • Temperature exposure and spoilage
  • Expiry
  • Tampering, fraud, and other lot or batch issues

Shorter trials that reach their endpoints more quickly can gain weeks or months of additional patent protection. This can amount to substantial additional revenue.

Our solutions help studies reach last dose, last participant sooner.
Improve timelines by:
  • Automating data collection
  • Replacing diaries and ePRO with smart packaging
  • Letting CertiScan preprocess and analyze data
  • Integrating CertiScan with RTSMs, EDCs, and other platforms
  • Conducting adaptive trials

Clinical trials are becoming increasingly complex and expensive. Certain activities in a protocol seem straightforward on paper, but in practice can translate into dozens of hours of site work.

Use our solutions to help eliminate needless overhead and streamline processes.
Achieve efficiencies and reduce costs by:
  • Automating data collection
  • Basing site inventories on consumption rates
  • Conducting adaptive trials
  • Conducting decentralized trials

New, technology-first strategies are transforming clinical trials. DCTs, participant diversity initiatives, and AI tools are changing from “nice-to-haves” into “must-haves”.

Our solutions are modern tools for modern trials that can help researchers and other stakeholders gain and maintain an advantage.
Adopt CertiScan and smart packaging to:
  • Meet FDA trial modernization guidelines
  • Model PK and PD with adherence data
  • Satisfy internal and external innovation requirements
  • Build accurate, objective datasets for use in AI models, participant diversity initiatives, DCT tools, and more
  • Publish unique studies that stand out in the literature

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Our mission is to create adherence-focused technologies that enable safer, faster, more efficient, and more innovative clinical research. There’s an IMC solution that will transform your next trial. Don’t wait, start the conversation with our team now. We’ll reach out in order to:

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